Recently, we did a photoshoot for NW Examiner newspaper at the Oregon Zoo covering the story of Packy, a 52 years old famous elephant featured in LIFE Magazine in 1962. Unfair treatment of elephants at the Oregon Zoo is getting a lot of attention  and many are taking action. NW Examiner got involved in the issue informing the public of the effects on large animals and helping raise an awareness.

Read March issue of NW Examiner designed by us and check out some photos below

Photoshoot at Oregon Zoo covering the story of PackyZoo Director Kim Smith oversees Packy in the back yard of the elephant grounds. Smith said Packy spends most of his time alone by choice.

Photoshoot at Oregon Zoo covering the story of PackyPacky spends much of his time alone in the back yard at the zoo exhibit.

Photoshoot at Oregon Zoo covering the story of PackyThe Oregon Zoo exhibits eight elephants on 1.5 acres.

Packy featured in LIFE magazine in 1962

Packy featured in LIFE magazine in 1962

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