Not so long ago I faced a different challenge then I would usually get as a graphic designer. First, asked to do a business card, then also a tag line for business.

The client was Pro Auto Body. Basically, this is an auto body shop where guys repair cars after accidents or if they get broken. They wanted people to come more to their shop whenever there’s anything wrong with their car, minor breakdowns or usually big ones.

After given description of what they want and what they want as an outcome I began to think. First of, in my mind began circulating pictures of hospitals, doctors, cure. I thought, “Pro Auto Body – It’s like a hospital, only for cars!” This idea t o me wasn’t well developed, so I continued brainstorming.

After some time I came up with the following tag line, “Giving cars a second chance!” I was shocked myself of how much I liked this one. This is the very thing Pro Auto Body wanted to get out to their clients. Doesn’t matter what had happened; car accident, breakdown, bad running, PAB is always ready to do the best they can to make the car run great again.

Giving Cars A Second Chance!

Giving Cars A Second Chance!

Since mostly  they fix cars after accidents, this truly makes sense that cars get a second chance, a second chance to hit the road. This tag line gives a personal touch to the business, making it more trustworthy. And for those people who really love their cars and want to get them fixed perfectly, this tag line helps to make a decision to choose specifically Pro Auto Body and not any other average body shop.

And so this is how I came up with a tag line for a local business. A lot of brainstorming and mumbling until the phrase hit me.

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