God Will Provide Ministry is a nonprofit organization in Washington. They are involved in missionary work all around the globe, mostly in third-world coutries like India and Africa.

Since they changed their name, they wanted a new branding as well. Previous logo (sorry don’t have a picture of that) was way overcomplicated with many elements to it, It had dropshadows, most of the colors that can only exist, gradients…. you get the idea.

Logo created for "God Will Provide Ministry"

Logo created for “God Will Provide Ministry”

What I was trying to show through the logo is the importance, professionalism, the impact, careness of their organization. With the work GWPM is doing, people get hope, their emotional and phisical wounds are being healed. And the most important part is that they share the good news of knowing Christ.

And so with all of that, this is the solution with the logo I came to.

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