This promotional package was done for a visual artist that creates art from broken and old items like chairs, pianos, pottery, etc. As a part of her series, the artist would also scan her old items to create large print outs with an interesting textures and patters of scanned surfaces of the old items.

I used the artist’s process to create promotional package. When I was third way down the project, my one year old nephew broke a set of home dishes in front of my eyes. I immediately looked at him and said “Mathew, you just created art!” So, I took the broken pieces, scanned them, and put them on different promotional pieces like posters and postcards. The outcome is beautiful. Check it out!

Promotional package on display (vadimages)

Promotional package on display

Poster from a promotional package (vadimages)

11"x17" Poster from a promotional package

Poster from a promotional package (vadimages)

20"x26" Poster from a promotional package

Postcard from a promotional package (vadimages)

4"x6" Postcard from a promotional package

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